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A Good Day for Pearls

Updated: Jul 23, 2022

I've had this title for my blog in mind for several weeks now. Every morning when I go to my jewelry box, I look for reinforcement for my day. Wellesley ring first. If I don't have a lot going on and need a lift, it's the small pearl earrings from my parents. If I'm going to be busy and don't want to think hard, same pearl earrings. Big meeting? Larger pearls. A small selection of necklaces, dainty, classic, and statement, await their day on my neck. To me, pearls represent confidence, whether I need more or have a lot. The great state occasions in my life also require pearls. They mean I am serious.

Maybe it's the Wendy Wellesley coming out, but I can't not stop and look at pearls when I see them. They came from something that was alive, and I must show appreciation.

I intend for this blog to record how I am living my values in times of challenge and change. It's always a good day for pearls.

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