If we've met, you know that I get excited about things.
Today, it’s the farmer’s market. Concrete goals and appointments get me moving, so I’ve taken to placing a pickup order at one of the farms that offer this service. I wander around before going to their booth, eying the fruits of the season and purchasing baskets of produce gems that catch my eye and fit my budget. The best part is a quick chat with the farmer.
This morning, I admired people walking around with gorgeous bouquets of flowers. Kindly grown and arranged, they reached a level of elegance that I can’t attain at home. “One day,” I thought, “I’ll be that person walking around with flowers.” After all, I’d passed up a really good price on roses at the grocery store just the day before. Surely my willpower valued frugality over mere beauty. I hadn’t earned a treat that didn’t allocate to the grocery budget.
Famous last words. While picking up my order, my eyes were drawn to the adjacent flower stand. Oh, my. Those bouquets drew me in. I stepped over to chat with a graceful young woman wearing bee antennae on her headband.
The flower farm is organic. I couldn’t help but joke about what a happy life those flowers had before coming to the market. My last objection to buying was that the bouquets contained zinnias, the one flower that I have succeeded in growing all my life. “I have zinnias,” said the Inner Frugal Scold. “I can go home and make my own bouquet.” The Scold wasn’t wrong, but she hadn’t gotten the update about my priorities. Holding on too tight makes me feel stingy and tense, exactly the wrong direction for my day.
The floral artist offered to make up a custom bouquet without zinnias, toppling my barrier. Even the Scold was overcome by those beautiful blossoms. Five minutes and an energetic chat about pet bunnies later, I was one of the people walking around the farmer’s market carrying a sublime bouquet and bags of local produce.
Floating on another plane, really, as the flowers were my reward to myself for a successful professional and personal week. Not because I earned enough money to get me through the rest of the year and resolved all my worries, but because I can tell I’m on the right path. The balance is here. My vision is becoming clear. Flowers explain it all.
II get excited about things.ading this post finds your open-hearted moments in everyday life. Hold that feeling using every sense you possess. I think I’ll go make a fresh ‘mater sandwich, sniff the not-quite-ripe peaches, and gaze upon my bouquet. I
I’m excited about the farmer’s market and life.